
Sunday, August 28, 2011

Ask The Hoff: Where Can I Find Hoff Reviewed Documentaries?

Dear Healthy Hoff,

I really enjoy reading your documentary reviews and would like to watch some of them. Where can I find them?

Doc Watcher

Dear Doc Watcher,

The majority of docs I review can be found through Netflix or Amazon Prime.  For the most part they are available through the TV streaming feature and some are available through Instant View via your computer.  Some docs such as Processed People and Eating, I had to purchase.  An even more limited few are available to view online, such as The Gerson Miracle - but those I typically call-out in the review.

Happy Watching!
The Hoff

Gotta question for The Healthy Hoff?  Hit me up at


  1. Thanks! (I had the same question when I couldn't find a few of them...)

  2. Anytime you can't find a doc, hit me up - I'll give you the 411!
